Susan Steiner

Swim to Fight Cancer | Nijmegen

Raising money for Cancer research

I'm raising money for cancer research. This is urgently needed, as 1 in 2 people in the Netherlands are still diagnosed with cancer. Please sponsor me and help Fight Cancer fund important research into cancer at Radboud, specifically for CDH1-related research. Fight Cancer and I are very grateful for your support.

Hello everyone,

At the age of 24, I lost my father to pancreatic cancer. Then in 2006, my cousin was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Despite his battle, he initiated a crucial genetic examination at the Kennedy Centre, Department of Clinical Genetics, in Copenhagen. Although he didn't survive, his efforts led to the discovery of the CDH1 gene mutation in our family, linked to high risks of stomach cancer and lobular breast cancer.

In 2011, my genetic test confirmed I was a carrier of this mutation. To reduce my cancer risk, I underwent a preventive gastrectomy and later a double mastectomy. The early genetic research into my family's health has undoubtedly saved my life, allowing me to enjoy every moment with my loved ones.

On September 1, 2024, my son David and I will participate in the "Swim to Fight Cancer" event in Nijmegen. We'll be swimming 1,500 meters in open water to raise funds for cancer research. Fortunately, David is not a carrier of the CDH1 mutation, but we hope our efforts can help other families access the same life-saving possibilities we had.

I dedicate this swim to my father, my cousin, and all the family members we've lost to cancer ❤️. By supporting us, you will be contributing to vital cancer research and helping to give others the chance to survive and thrive.

Please consider making a donation to support our swim and cancer research. Donations can be made via credit card, PayPal, or Ideal bank transfers. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference.

Thank you for your support.

Warm regards,


My Achievements

Zelf een eerste donatie gedaan

Pagina gedeeld op social media

Blog bericht geschreven

Profielfoto toegevoegd

Streefbedrag gehaald

Streefbedrag hoger dan €500

Team gemaakt

Eerste 5 donaties binnen!

My Updates

Another bit of progress

Thursday 15th Aug
We are now two weeks away from the event and we swim without stopping. It is becoming much easier to keep the rhythm and we enjoy it together ♥️

Swim to fight cancer 5th training

Wednesday 31st Jul
31st of July we had our 5th open water training. Feel good factor 👌 together with the support of the organization of Fight to Fight Cancer. We managed to do 1.300 meter on open water. That gives confidence that we can swim the 1.500 meters on the 1st of September. My mother made a really generous donation. Thanks mum for always being there for us ❤️❤️❤️ 

4th day of training

Wednesday 31st Jul
Yesterday David and I went for our 4th training. We got our breathing under control and swam 1.000 meter. It felt good and we are starting to feel confident. 
We have raised much more money than we thought possible ❤️ we even convinced Roy to join our training sessions and swim together with you. It feels great and we get a lot of energy and time for togetherness out of our training sessions.

3rd training session

Friday 26th Jul
We swam another chilometer. It was easier than the 2nd time. Slowly we see improvements. 

2nd day of Training at Slijk-Ewijk

Tuesday 23rd Jul
David and Susan's second day of training. 1000 meters. step-by-step

My preparations

Monday 22nd Jul
First training with my son, David on open water. Wetsuits bought. Joint project.

Thank you to my Sponsors




Monique En Manon

Wat een prachtig gebaar dat jullie hier voor strijden! Veel succes 🍀


Kirsten Henriksen

All the luck!!


Tim L


Michael Van Den Berg

Heey susan hier bij een bijdragen heel veel Sucess met het zwemmen je kan het ! Groetjes Michael


Klaus Schlee

Go Susan and David! 4ever Friends.


Fam Bakker

Veel succes samen!!


Karin Van De Kolk

Dear Susan, We wish you good luck with the swim and proud that you will do that together with your son. Good luck take care and have a lovely Summer 💋


Mijke Hendricks



Karin Mostler & Jochen Mebus


Kjersgaard Katrine

super vigtigt projekt - jeg bakker op !


Michael Schwark

A small contribution


Susan Go Go Go, Venga Venga

Team HNWSO says: Go go go, venga venga


Wolf Schoonhoven



Super goed van je en een goed doel! Groet martine





Thanks for sharing your personal story Susan. I am sure many will relate! Good luck with the swim I am sure you and David will do great and raise a lot of money which is so needed!



Veel succes


Sofie Bakker

You got this!❤️


Martien Valentijn

Succes !!!



Good luck, Susan!


Els Jansen

Succes Susan!



Succes met zwemmen. Groeten Patrick


Ferdinand Balk

Succes Susan en David!!


Boryana Bobeva

Hi Susan, Unfortunately we all have lost someone dear to cancer. But being proactive and making steps to fight cancer is what I really admire. Good luck to you and David with swim


Netty Koedam



Jullie zijn echte kanjers!! 💪Super trots op jou en David! 😘


Lisa Van Workum

Heel veel succes💪🏻


Alice Otten

Zet hem op Susan. Mooi dat je je eigen plezier combineert met e 'n goed doel.



Veel succes jullie!💪🏽🐳


Floor Mulder

Veeel succes!! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 liefs Floor


Paul E

Succes Suus & David mooi initiatief..


Susan Steiner


Pim Bakker

Heel veel succes!

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