Fight Cancer with Me!
Om geld op te halen voor kankeronderzoek!
Dit is heel hard nodig, want nog steeds krijgt 1 op de 2 mensen in Nederland de diagnose kanker. Sponsor mij en help daarmee Fight cancer met de financiering van belangrijk onderzoek naar kanker.
Fight cancer met mij en ik zijn jou heel erg dankbaar!
My Achievements
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My Updates
My story and Why I will take part
Tuesday 23rd AprHello everyone! You may not know this, but my Mom had cancer when I was around 6 years old, it was a really scary time in my life as I was at the age where I understood the concept of cancer but didn’t fully understand the consequences of the disease and I remember jumping to the worst conclusions with no one able to tell me the future. Therefore, in order to help with cancer research so others don’t have to worry like I did, I will be running Hilversum for cancer may 26th, the money I accumulate through fundraising will all be donated to cancer research in the Netherlands. All is appreciated for cancer research!