Zwem mee in de strijd tegen kanker!
Swim to Fight Cancer
Swim to Fight Cancer is an event that is held throughout the Netherlands, where participants – individually or in teams – challenge themselves to swim 2 kilometers in open water to raise as much funds as possible for cancer research. Each Swim event is unique, but we have one clear and common goal: to beat cancer by enabling more research.
In 2018 over 3.000 people on 10 different locations joined the Fight by joining Swim to Fight Cancer. They raised over 1,8 million Euro for research. Since Swim to Fight Cancer was initiated by Fight cancer in 2014, over 5 million Euro has been contributed to talented researchers. Together we can make a real change!
Our goal is to beat cancer by raising funds for talented doctors and researchers that work on life changing research every day. Meet our heroes here!
In 2019 there are 14 places throughout the country where you can join the Fight and swim along with hundreds of others to raise funds for cancer research.
Together we can make a real change and contribute to our dream to beat cancer.
About Fight cancer
Fight cancer is the young and rebellious sister foundation of KWF Kankerbestrijding (The Dutch Cancer Society). Through campaigns and events we raise funds for cancer research and prevention. This is still very necessary. One out of three people are diagnosed with cancer over the course of their lives. Through our motto ‘Love life. Fight cancer.’ we want to inspire you to take action against cancer together. There are different ways to contribute, like starting your own action for Fight, donate money or become a volunteer. Together we can take action to enable more cancer research. Together we can realise our dream to beat cancer.